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Thank you for your support of World Help's freedom initiatives in Thailand!

You can help protect a child from being exploited.

In Thailand, girls are expected to be the breadwinners in their families. If they can’t afford an education, that often means they will spend their entire life in the area’s booming sex industry.

But girls aren’t the only victims of this culture. Boys suffer, too. If a boy’s mother is a sex worker, she often has to bring clients home, which can be emotionally scarring for a young boy and put him in danger as well. Plus, boys who live under these conditions become numb to the sex industry and are more likely to become pimps or abusers themselves.

Your donations through Night of Freedom will help support two children’s programs in Thailand dedicated to helping protect children from being exploited by the sex industry. Both centers provide a safe place for boys and girls to receive a quality education while being cared for in a loving Christian environment.

Every $12 you give will impact one life! Please fill out the form below to contribute.
2 donations


6M ago



6M ago

Night of Freedom

Night of Freedom
Benefiting World Help
PO Box 501
Forest, VA 24551
